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Prof. Dong Hwa Kim (President, Hucare, S. Korea),

Jong Heok Lee (CEO, Korea)

Prof. Hyun Chang Lee (WKU, Korea)

Prof. Václav Snášel (VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic),

Prof. Dr.  Kovács Szilveszter (University of Miskolc, Hungary),

Prof. Hajime Nobuhara (University of Tsukuba, Japan),

Xiao-Zhi Gao (University of Technology, Finland), 

Prof. Ovidiu (University of Derby College of Engineering and Technology, UK),

KOKULA KRISHNA HARI K (Secretary of ASDF, Government of India),

Prof. Dr. Jong Sun Hwang (Jeon Nam Provincial College, Korea),

Prof. Teve Carter (Edinburgh business school, UK),

Prof. Guo Jianhui Ph.d (Nanjing University of S&T, China),

Prof. (Michal Niezabitiwski (Silesian University of Tech., Poland),

Prof. Penne Wangmaeteekul (Prince of Songkhla Univ., Thailand),

Prof. Wei Song William (Dalarna Univ., Sweeden),

Prof. Malay Ranjan Tripathy (Armity University, India)

Prof., Anand Sneh (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India)

Prof., Shu-Cherng Fang (north carolina state university, USA)


Prof. Khalid Saeed (Cracow University, Poland)

Prof., Dr., Young Jae Lee (Jeon Ju University, Korea)

Dr. Jae-Ho Jeon (KIMS, Korea)

Prof., Dr. Senthil Krishnamurthy (Cape peninsula university of Technology, S. Africa)

Prof., Dr., EED, B.M. Mohan (IIT, Kharagpur, India)

Dr. Sven Naumann (Head of Computational Linguistics and Digital Humanities, Universität Trier)

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